Thursday, 31 October 2019

3 Key Benefits of choosing Steel Barns over Pole Barns

Farmers or livestock owners have always preferred the use of pole barns for agricultural purposes. From the outset, it might seem to be beneficial due to its versatility, foundation-free structure, and affordability. But, a more concise view opens up the flaws. Pole barns are made of wood and this is the only reason why it is no more considered to be a suitable option for the construction of agricultural barnsDue to the various advantages of steel, it has now become a go-to choice for the barn owners.

If you are still in doubt about choosing steel barns over pole barns, just go through the following comparisons.


It is a well-known fact that when it comes to durability, pole barns get easily overpowered by steel barns. A well-built steel barn can live up for more than 40 years, with a little maintenance. But, the durability of pole barns doesn’t even come close to this mark.

Overall cost

Though wooden barns are considered to be way more pocket-friendly compared to steel barns, it has its own sets of disadvantages. Pest and fire damage issues pose serious threats to pole barns and that’s why regular maintenance is required. These issues ultimately hike the maintenance cost of pole barns. On the other hand, the construction of steel barns might be expensive but the lesser need for maintenance makes up for the initial spending.


Due to its immense strength, steel can withstand huge storms, heavy showers, snowfall, fire, and even heavy flood. Having built on a strong base, steel barns remain unaffected to most of the natural threats and also come with a long warranty. On the other hand, having a soft base, pole barns can get shattered even by a heavy shower.

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